viernes, agosto 19, 2005

Linus trademarks Linux

Linus trademarks Linux
"Cada Fiesta necesita un aguafiestas", dice un personaje de aquella bizarra pero adictiva serie y pelicula "Mistery Science Theater 3000". Pero nadie se esperaba que fuera Linus el de la fiesta de Linux. Personalmente, [conspirnoid mode on] pienso que Linux es la Antitesis a Windows, con la cual se quiere lograr la Sintesis, de las cuales ya hay algunas experiencias, y asi avanzar un paso mas en la dominacion mundial de los Illuminati[conspiranoid mode off] Pero eso es cosa mia...Le advierto querido ocasional lector que presuponemos que usted sabe ingles, asi que no se traduce nada aca...aparte la paxa es mas grande, y el Copy/Paste Rules!!!

MORE THAN 90 Australian companies have been asked to pay a licence fee for Linux software in a move apparently backed by the software’s eminence grise, Linus Torvalds.

Letters demanding US$5000 for use of the Linux name were originally dismissed as a hoax. But according to the Sydney Morning Herald, the Open Sauce king is dead serious.

Jon 'Maddog' Hall, the executive director of Linux International in the US, said that a community organisation called Linux Australia had been nominated to handle the trademark issue and had sent out the letters.

In the US, the Linux Mark Institute (LMI) will handle trademark issues in the US and nominate local bodies to look after trademark things in other countries.

According to Hall, the move is not to get a slice of any one’s action, nor was not about trying limit the use of the name Linux, but only to protect the quality of products that go out under that brand.

When asked whether or not they were being hypocritical about software patents while at the same time bringing in trademarks, Hall said that there was nothing to stop a company using Linux software without using the Linux name. If Linux patented Linux that would certainly happen